Mid-August update... the last few weeks have been crazy busy. I basically got slammed with work and babysitting duties. Thankfully Ann and the boys put up with my general grumpiness and last night I managed to get to bed before 3am for a change. In fact, I fell asleep before the boys did! Anyways I thought I'd take the time tonight to catch up with the blog before getting back to the grind again.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
We also had other (unwanted) house guests in the roof above our balcony. We hired a guy to get rid of them so he set these traps and would then take them to the South Shore. Our first catch was a skunk. All in all we caught 2 skunks and 4 squirrels. We're crossing our fingers that that was the whole family and we can now seal up the hole through which they were entering.
During the 1st couple of weeks in August LL continued with swimming lessons. He was at the same level as last year (Salamanders) but has now graduated to the next level. I had originally signed him up for 9-9:30 lessons with the same teacher as last year but after a couple of days we switched him to an earlier spot with a different teacher so he wouldn't miss activities at garderie. With the new teacher LL immediately started swimming without his life jacket. Yay!
Monday, August 17, 2009
The next weekend (Aug 1 and 2nd) Grant, Michelle and family came for a visit. Spent the better half of Saturday touring through the neighbourhood parks, while Sunday we took in JT market and family day at Roger's cup.
The same weekend J headed back to Toronto we inherited an old air hockey set from our next door neighbours.... more on this later...
Ann's brother J came back to Canada after spending the last year at a cooking school and stage at a restaurant. We were treated (incl. Ali and Mark) to the first demonstration on Canadian soil (J's parents and brother were lucky enough to exerience the full deal in France). Amazing, really. The rest of the week J was working on the production for cross country check-up on CBC (on the controversial swimsuit ban) so we were getting these strange calls from some guy named Mark Tewksbury.