Friday, February 19, 2010

LL's first game

Last Saturday LL was asked to join the older kids in a game against a team from Lasalle (...or maybe it was Lachine). Anyways his team ended up losing 3-1 but he did manage to get the one goal for his team, hit a post earlier on, and ended a +1. For his training regimen this week we've covered up the bottom 2/3s of the net in our basement leaving only the top corners to shoot at. Look out for roof daddy. Next week's lesson: foot speed. (Insert evil laugh here.)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So apparently these videos I've been posting don't work, so I guess I'll go back to posting them on Youtube rather than directly on blogger.

Here's the last video:

And here's a new short clip:

Sunday as we were leaving the rink one of the club coaches asked if LL wanted to keep skating on one of the vacant rinks. Eventually I just asked if he could practice with the older kids. So they stuck a blue pinnie on him and put him on defence.
Except for a getting called off-side (hadn’t taught him that concept yet) he did pretty well. Check out the splits on this goalie as LL puts one off the ol’ noggin'.