Friday, June 16, 2006


Thursday Ann started a string of days off- so she decided to keep LL home from daycare and spend some good old bonding time with him. As she was preparing to take him to the park she followed standard Plateau procedure and first brought down the stroller and then came up the stairs to collect LL. As she was coming up, I noticed through the window that the stroller was rolling down the sidewalk and out of sight. I mentioned something like "um,...the stroller is leaving without you" so she turned and bounded (bound?) down the stairs after the stroller. Meanwhile, the stroller tooka sharp left turn and was heading across three lanes of St. Urbain traffic (we live on one of the major thoroughfares into downtown), complete with cars veering and honking and all. Anyways good thing LL wasn't in the stroller. Tip of the day: Lock your stroller wheels, St. Urbain is sloped.


MiddleChild said...

Listen, if you're not going to pay attention, how do you expect to learn from the lessons of Wiley Coyote?

Tsaichotic said...

Didn't you take any photos?

Anonymous said...

Hey, that was our stroller....